The Good Life
Yes, the system is rigged. Yes, the one percent rules the world. Yes, the rest of us toil in fields, offices and factories trying to survive the next day, dreaming the American Dream, and when we feel righteous, we pray that one day the meek will inherit the earth.
It is easy to find a target to hate, to blame for our shortcomings and misfortunes these days. It is easy to point a finger to the “other”: the rich, the poor, the black, the brown, the white, the patriot, the immigrant, the politician, the racist, the activist, the church, the government, and of course, Obama. It is easier than looking at the mirror, than admitting that it is our collective behavior what has taken us to this absurd state of affairs.
We all look with disdain to entitled pigs trampling our gardens, oblivious to the wreckage left on their path. But the irony is that while hating the pigs, we fail to look at our own entitlements, at our own wreckage left behind, and if we are going to be truthful, we all work really hard to achieve the leisure life of the entitled pigs one day before the meek inherit the earth.